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TNT Agar Biplates



This bi-plate is designed to be used for selection and identification of both gram-positive and gram-negative organisms, by combining the MacConkey and MP2 specialty agars.



  • The bright red agar portion of the biplate is prepared from a modified Columbia base agar with the addition of 5% defibrinated sheep blood, and esculin. This selective agar has been formulated to enhance the growth of gram-positive Staphylococci, Streptococci and Enterococci bacteria while inhibiting the growth of all gram-negative organisms, such as Enterobacteriaceae and Pseudomonas. The addition of esculin enhances the capability of differentiating Streptococci.  Certain Streptococci will hydrolyze esculin, causing a mild background blackening. This blackening differentiates E-streps from Streptococcus agalactiae which cannot split esculin. All suspect Streptococcus agalactiae organisms should be moved to our special Camp media for confirmation.
  • The pink agar portion of the biplate is specialized media for the detection of gram-negative organisms. Since the antimicrobial agents in this agar inhibit the growth of gram-positive bacteria, the media focuses on the organisms’ ability to ferment lactose. This fermentation causes the bacterial colony to change to a pinkish color.  Non-lactose fermenting colonies will remain colorless and opaque.

Refer to table on back for expected culture responses.


Gram Positive Agar

MacConkey Agar






Strep. agalactiae Growth

Esculin Negative

Staph. aureus Growth

Hemolytic Variable

Mycoplasma Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Strep. dysgalactiae Growth

Esculin Variable

Strep. uberis Growth

Esculin Positive

E- strep Growth

Esculin Positive

Staph. species Growth

Hemolytic Variable

E. Coli Inhibited

Excellent Pink Colonies
Klebsiella pneumoniae Inhibited

Excellent Pink Mucoid Colonies
Klebsiella species Inhibited

Excellent Pink Mucoid Colonies
Pseudomonas species Inhibited

Excellent Colorless Colonies
Pseudomonas aeruginosa Inhibited

Excellent Green/Colorless Colonies
Pasteurella Weak

No Growth
Proteus Ínhibited

No Growth
Serratia Inhibited

Excellent Pinkish/Red Pigment
Bacillus Inhibited

Yeast Not Applicable

No Growth
Mold Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Nocardia Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Prototheca Not Applicable

Not Applicable
Trueperella pyogenes Growth

Small Hemolytic

C. bovis Not Applicable

Not Applicable

Additional information

Weight .08 lbs
Dimensions 3.5 × 3.5 × .5 in


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