EXT-002: Mycoplasma Colony Extraction Kit $50.00 Purpose: This extraction kit provides a simple lytic extraction for colonies from mycoplasma agar.
EXT-004: Mycoplasma Colony Outlab Kit $25.00 Purpose: This extraction kit provides a convenient way to extract mycoplasma from culture plates and send it to Udder Health Systems for identification.
PCR-003B: Mycoplasma Validation and Speciation Kit $700.00 Purpose: This PCR kit is designed to verify mycoplasma colonies grown on agar. It also identifies the common species Mycoplasma bovis and bovigenitalium.
PCR-003F: Mycoplasma Validation and Speciation Kit (Ready to Use) $750.00 Purpose: This frozen and ready-to-use PCR kit is designed to verify mycoplasma colonies, as well as identify the species Mycoplasma bovis and bovigenitalium.